Sorry for the delay. We wanted to wait and do this right. Work has been crazy, plus everyday know how it goes. So, most of you know the background story. To recap, P exploded on Tommy. We freaked out, Tommy was going to try Raptiva, it got pulled off the market, we got scared, I learned about healing through nutrition and we started this immediately. First we ate a 100% raw diet for one week. We purchased the cook book and DVD by Allisa Cohen called, Living on Live Food. During this time Tommy was taking Omega 3, vitamin d, milk thistle and colostrum. We exercised daily, quit smoking and that was it. Within three days of this, Tommy's itching and discomfort decreased. We kept on the raw diet for only one week, because it was pretty difficult to maintain AND EXPENSIVE. If anyone would like raw tips, feel free to ask or Google, there is a ton of info out there. Though this did not work for us long term, I urge others to follow raw for a week. It acts as a means to restart your system towards eating healthy, plus it gives your digestion a rest. It also gives you a new appreciation for the natural flavors in fruits and veggies, something many of us lose eating the standard American diet.
Our approach always followed the idea, that psoriasis cannot live on a healthy body. We pin pointed all areas of Tommy's life that were unhealthy. This included smoking, diet and his dental health. Tommy goes to the dentist more than anyone I know. four to five times per year. Cavities, root canals you name it, he's done it. I suggested Tommy see a Holistic dentist to have his mercury fillings removed as I had read about a link between P and fillings. When Tommy went to the dentist and had his first exam, the dentist inquired about an unhealthy looking tooth in Tommy's mouth. This was a tooth that had a root canal, a filling and a gold crown. This also was a tooth that had a botched root canal done three years ago, that Tommy needed to have corrected. After an x-ray and an analysis, it was determined that this particular tooth was not only infected, but impacting Tommy's immune function. About two weeks after this, Tommy had the tooth removed. I will post a picture of it at a later time, it was disgusting. We let the tooth heal, took a course of antibiotics and the tooth fiasco was over. Though we have yet to remove the fillings, that will be someday in the near future.
After this, Tommy met with a holistic doctor. She recommended Tommy begin a cleanse, he was prescribed the Standard Process Cleanse. Look it up for all the details, too lazy to explain it! Tommy's diet during this time eliminated, wheat, gluten, animal fat, dairy, processed foods, and sugar. Basically anything that was not fruits, veggies or rice. This was a 21 day cleanse and Tommy followed diligently. During this time we purchased a juicer and would juice up to two times per day. Mostly vegetables, with a little fruit for taste. I can give recipes if people would like them, right now I want to just get the process down. Juicing is essential. I believe it helped Tommy, and myself, become healthier individuals.
Soon after this cleanse results started to become increasingly apartment, undeniable actually. It was the greatest thing I have ever seen in my life. We actually did this. After we had heard from so many that it couldn't be done without the use of drugs. WE DID IT! I love looking at his skin now, it is a sign of his strength and our commitment to each other and our health. Psoriasis was the best thing that ever happened to us. Crazy, but true. it gave us health, perspective and appreciation for what truly matters. Now I know what your thinking, it was the tooth, not the diet. Here's the thing. We never thought poor diet caused psoriasis, we thought it was like throwing gasoline on a fire. Diet was medicine, not a correction. We wanted to create an environment in his body that supported healing. This meant getting adequate sleep, exercise and eating well. Without a doubt diet helped. It helped Tommy's state of mind, comfort level and quick results. No I do not know this for sure, but it was what we experienced. Today we eat a plant based diet. Lots of salads, juicing, fruits, and all vegan meals.
This is our life now. I know many want specifics. You want us to tell you what to eat, when to eat, and what to do. It is more about an approach than a diet. Look at your body. What seems off or unhealthy? What have you had consistent trouble with your whole life? Do you eat poorly? smoke? lack exercise? Digestive problems? Lactose intolerant? Do you have poor dental health? Lots of fillings? Repeated infections (strep, tonsillitis)? Make yourself healthy, at the least it will make you mentally more strong and focused while fighting your P and at best it will give you clear skin. We often preach about diet, though it is more about an approach. Fix all that is unhealthy, not just diet. Be patient, see what happens, never give up and ask for help when you need it. This is a place where anyone can ask for our help. We are dedicated to helping as many people as we can rid themselves of this horrendous ailment. We are here for you. Hope this helps. ASK FOR ANY SPECIFICS OR QUESTIONS! Be strong, Be healthy, and most important be happy.