Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Before Diet, After Diet.

My doctor of almost 10 years told me that diet didn't play a factor in Psoriasis. He literally laughed at me and told me I "was on a fool's errand". I think the pictures speak for themselves. I still have a long way to go, but it is a drastic improvement.

These pictures are from before I started my diet, and less then 2 months later.

Click on the pictures to make them larger.


  1. Tommy, that's absolutely amazing. We're unbelieveably thrilled for you and Molly. We can't wait until this blog is just called Tommy and Molly - Psoriasis. Keep going, we love you!!!

  2. Wow! Great job and improvements!

  3. Normally is takes much much longer to see any difference when a diet is being used to treat psoriasis. Can you please give us an exact list of foods you eat, how much of them you eat, prep of those foods and a detailed description of this diet so that others can benifit from it also? Without these details the diet cant help anyone at all.

  4. I would also like to know exactly what you ate, hiw you went about the clease---what did you use to do thes?

    I see that you juised, what juises exactly? Any supplements? Fish oil? Milk thistles?

    Thanks for thee hope and the help God bless you and yours

  5. Did u take the sun?

  6. thanks for this, may i know those food to eat please, email me at cleverrey_ph@yahoo.com for more informations, many thanks and GOD bless - rey garcia from Philippines

  7. well you do realize that doctors concerns right? LOL he'll lose a 10-year patient once you find out that diet affects EVERYTHING. Only a fool would think that the type of gas you put in your car makes no difference at all, am I right??!

  8. Hey, u can do power Yoga which will help u a lot, also for more information browse www.psoriasissocial.org for more info!

  9. its true, im through this diet, and its improving a LOT!

  10. I have had psoriasis for 10 years and have been on a vegan diet for the past month and for the first time I have pink skin where there used to be cracking bloody scales....amazing. Don't let anyone tell you it does not work until you try it.

  11. Amazing! I love it.. never delete this blog please..it's giving me hope:)

  12. Omg u've given me do much hope! Before my psoriasis spreads like crazy I would like to take immediate action! Please give me a list and plan of the diet u take !! Please!! Thankyou !!!
