Monday, September 17, 2012

As usual I never update this website because I rarely follow through with anything... but recently I have.  I started a juice fast about 9 days ago to try and get rid of my psoriasis again.  Things seem to be going pretty well.  I would definitely say I have about a 20% improvement and maybe a 30% improvement on my arms.  Whats more important is that all my arthritis went away within the first 2 days and I am no longer itching myself.

Before Pictures:


To some of you it may look like it got worse but that is how psoriasis heals.  It flattens out and gets bigger but is less irritated and inflamed and eventually just disappears.  I'm going to do the juice fast as long as I can.  Im hoping to reach the 60 day mark.  Wish me Luck!