Monday, September 17, 2012

As usual I never update this website because I rarely follow through with anything... but recently I have.  I started a juice fast about 9 days ago to try and get rid of my psoriasis again.  Things seem to be going pretty well.  I would definitely say I have about a 20% improvement and maybe a 30% improvement on my arms.  Whats more important is that all my arthritis went away within the first 2 days and I am no longer itching myself.

Before Pictures:


To some of you it may look like it got worse but that is how psoriasis heals.  It flattens out and gets bigger but is less irritated and inflamed and eventually just disappears.  I'm going to do the juice fast as long as I can.  Im hoping to reach the 60 day mark.  Wish me Luck!


  1. That is fantastic! I'm following your progress. Please keep us posted. I have started juicing. Yesterday I did a full day, but have company coming in, so will be supplementally juicing until I can start again. Thanks Thomas and best of luck!

    Susan1122 from inspire.

  2. Hi tommy,
    I also have psoriasis. I thought you have already clear it up last year with clean diet and supplement. Could you mind send me an email at I have a lot of questions about how you clear P before. What is juice fasting? are you allowed to take any food during juice fasting?


  3. I am also extremely interested in the diet you choose. And i am just sure what Juice fasting is. Could you elaborate about that?

    Big fan
    My blog @ Psoriasis Warning / Discuss Treatments

  4. In my findings I have discovered many ways to help myself and making notes and changes as I go. Have only just started cleansing after reading up on various lifestyles such as the Gerson therapy and just now the standard Process Program after reading your blog.
    How I stumbled across your Blog was via Googling Mercury/Psoriasis! As I continue to study a healthier lifestyle, I have come across some interesting insights from a book I ordered 'Take Control of your Health and escape the sickness industry' by Elaine Hollingsworth. As I was reading and making perfect sense of it all a thought sprung to mind, or more so, a memory. When I was 8, I first showed signs of Psoriasis but I was 7 when I began getting mercury filled fillings put in my mouth! I have only just began to ask the question... Could Mercury be the cause of all my problems, Psoriasis, Psoriatic Arthritis and Depression???
    Interesting isn't it?! Just thought you may like to here my story as it seams so close to mine besides the arthritis but it's one in the same.
    Lisa Adams

  5. I had seborrheic dermatitis and this juice drink did it. Its no ordinary juice though since it's packed with herbs.

    I saw in their testimonies page that it has also cured psoriasis so I'm sharing this. Give it a try, go and visit their page at Herbal Treatment and go look for the "Dalandan" (citrus variant)

    Hope this helps

  6. Good thing you got rid of the itchiness! It's the primary reason why psoriasis spreads. And probably, if everyone with this disease can only resist the temptation of not scratching it; it would heal quickly.

    Talia Kent

  7. Wow it is hard to imagine you can rid the itchiness using natural methods!

  8. I was looking out for a cure of psoriasis and this post has helped me, It's really good to know that you can get rid of this itchiness with this remedy.

  9. I was wondering for that juice you are trying on as a cure for psoriasis. It seems effective. Maybe I try it too.

  10. Good to hear that your psoriasis is doing well. But in my case, I'm using natural method. I tried dead sea salts from San Francisco Salt Company to cure my psoriasis and I can see its tremendous effect. It make my skin feel hydrated and less itchy. See how it works at and save 5% off and free shipping on your first order of Dead Sea Salt with coupon code: skincare5 at checkout.

  11. Ayurvedic Treatment is Best Cure For Psoriasis. Many Patients has get good results. U Have to tried again Ayurvedic or home Remedies Treatment Through a best Specialist who gives u best suggestion or Treatment For Psoriasis .

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. It is good for us that your condition is doing well. I have been taking more information about Psoriasis treatment Kent. Thanks for sharing this blog with us!!

  14. Nice post and also whole your blog. The before and after photos clearly show how psoriasis heals naturally - fading the redness and less scaling over the days and weeks and eventually there will be just a clear skin.

    It is not possible to cure psoriasis just putting something on your skin.

    The TOP priority is functioning liver! I also wrote the extensive PDF paper about my

    theory on psoriasis cause and cure.

    Shortly: stress (physical, chemical or emotional/fear) -> bad digestion -> bacterial

    overgrowth/fungal overgrowth/parasites in the intestines -> overloaded liver with the

    toxins from rotting of the food in the intestines -> altered homeostasis (thick

    blood/fibrin deposits, viral replication, etc...) -> constricted blood vessels in the

    skin -> hypoxia in the skin -> activation of immune system that clears up the damaged

    cells and protects weak skin from infection.

    Repairing the digestion is crucial. The top supplements I know about are: Bile acids,

    B-Complex (that contains B12 - 1000 mcg and at least 400 mcg of Folic acid per day),

    Lecithin, Vitamin D3, Licorice, Schizandra, Siberian ginseng (Eleuthero), Fish oil,

    Zinc, Forskolin, Neem, Betaine HCL, Digestive Enzymes, Proteolytic enzymes.

    Let's say that I wrote the supplements above in order of priority or importance

    generally for somebody with psoriasis. So if you would have budget just for some of

    those supplements you should start with those like Bile acids, quality B-complex,

    Lecithin ...

    If you want you can read more on my blog where you can also

    download PDF with the most important articles and read it offline.

  15. Been suffering with psoriasis for over 15 years. A few years ago I was lucky enough to be recommended with an Israeli natural treatment for psoriasis including a cream and oil. After applying both to my flaky skin for like 15 consecutive days, I my flakes and plaques were almost gone, well, at least my skin didn't resemble that of the time long before. Probably the best psoriasis treatment I've ever tried.

  16. A study to test an investigational drug in patients with chronic plaque psoriasis is currently recruiting patients.
    There is no cost for study medication or study-related exams and qualified participants may be compensated for their time and travel. You may be randomized to receive the study medication or placebo.
    · Phase - Phase I
    · Disease State/Type - Chronic Plaque Psoriasis
    · Minimum age - 18

    For more information on this study please visit:


  17. Ma vie est belle grâce à vous, Mein Helfer. Seigneur Jésus dans ma vie comme une lumière de bougie dans l'obscurité. Tu m'as montré le sens de la foi avec tes paroles. Je sais que même lorsque je pleurais toute la journée en pensant à la façon de me rétablir, tu ne dormais pas, tu m'étais cher. J'ai contacté le centre d'herboristerie Dr Itua, qui vivait en Afrique de l'Ouest. Un de mes amis, ici à Hambourg, est également originaire d'Afrique. Elle m'a parlé des herbes africaines, mais j'étais nerveux. J'ai très peur quand il s'agit de l'Afrique parce que j'ai entendu beaucoup de choses terribles à leur sujet à cause de mon christianisme. Dieu pour la direction, faites un pas audacieux et prenez contact avec lui dans le courriel et puis allez à WhatsApp, il m'a demandé si je peux venir pour un traitement ou si je veux une livraison, je lui ai dit que je voulais le connaître j'achète des billets d'avion de 2 façons pour l'Afrique Pour rencontrer le Dr Itua, je suis allé là-bas et j'étais sans voix de la part des gens que j'y ai vu. Brevet, des gens malades. Itua est un dieu envoyé dans le monde, j'ai parlé à mon pasteur de ce que je fais, le pasteur Bill Scheer. Nous avons une belle bataille avec l'esprit et la chair. Adoration la même nuit. Il a prié pour moi et m'a demandé de diriger. J'ai passé 2 semaines et 2 jours en Afrique au Dr Itua Herbal Home. Après le traitement, il m'a demandé de rencontrer son infirmière pour faire le test du VIH quand je l'aurais fait. Il était négatif. J'ai demandé à mon ami de m'emmener dans un autre hôpital voisin quand je suis arrivé, il était négatif. Le résultat m'a fait perdre la tête, mais j'étais heureuse au fond de moi. Nous sommes allés avec le Dr Itua, je le remercie mais je lui explique que je n'ai pas assez pour lui montrer ma reconnaissance, qu'il comprend ma situation, mais je lui promets qu'il témoignera de son bon travail. Dieu merci pour ma chère amie Emma, je sais que je pourrais lire ceci maintenant, je veux vous remercier. Et un grand merci au Dr. Itua Herbal Center. Il m'a donné son calendrier que j'ai accroché au mur de ma maison. Le Dr Itua peut également soigner les maladies suivantes : VIH, herpès, hépatite B, foie inflammatoire, diabète, cancer de la vessie, cancer du cerveau, cancer de l'œsophage, cancer de la vésicule biliaire, maladie trophoblastique gestationnelle, cancer de la tête et du cou, lymphome de Hodgkin
    Cancer de l'intestin,Cancer du rein,Leucémie,Cancer du foie,Cancer du poumon,Mélanome,Mésothéliome,Myélome multiple,Tumeurs neuroendocriniennes
    Lymphome non hodgkinien,Cancer de la bouche,Cancer de l'ovaire,Cancer du sinus,Cancer de la peau,Sarcome des tissus mous,Cancer de la colonne vertébrale,Cancer de l'estomac
    Cancer du testicule,Cancer de la gorge,Cancer de la thyroïde,Cancer de l'utérus,Cancer du vagin,Cancer de la vulveDésordre bipolaire,Cancer de la vessie,Cancer colorectal,HPV,Cancer du sein,Cancer de l'anus.Appendice.,Cancer du rein,Cancer de la prostate,Glaucome.., Cataractes,Dégénérescence maculaire,Cancer des surrénales.cancer des voies biliaires,Cancer des os.maladie cardiovasculaire,maladie pulmonaire.hypertrophie de la prostate,ostéoporoseAlzheimer,cancer du cerveau.démence.érection faible,période d'amour,leucémie,fribroïde,stérilité,maladie de Parkinson,maladie inflammatoire de l'intestin ,fibromyalgie, récupérer votre ex. Vous pouvez le contacter par e-mail ou, ..numéro de téléphone de WhatsApp + 2348149277967 ... C'est un bon médecin, parlez-lui gentiment. Je suis sûr qu'il vous écoutera aussi.
