Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Sorry no updates lately. All is well with Tommy's progress, I swear it gets better by the day! We have been busy with some wonderful news, Tommy and I are engaged! Tommy's battle with psoriasis made this joyous occasion that much more meaningful. It is humbling to know life can turn for the worse and the better so quickly. For now we enjoy each day happy, in love, and pain free!! We will post more pics soon!

Much love

Molly and Tommy


  1. I just wanted to congratulate you both on your engagement. Glad to hear Tommy is still improving. Can't wait to see the pictures.

  2. Congrats to both of you, and best wishes for a very happy life together.

    I'm so glad to hear you are having continued improvement, I'm using some lifestyle changes to heal mine as well, and I'm seeing some progress too. It feels great.

  3. When can we expect to see pictures of the continued improvement? My imagination is seeing him perfectly clear so now I really want to see pictures please!

  4. So Happy for the both of you! LONG LIFE TOGETHER!

  5. Congratulations on your engagement. Please note this does not excuse your lack of updates lately. Pictures please!!! :)

  6. have read your comments & viewed your pictures--had the same thing--it's the immune system over producing. i didn't change my diet--soap--liquid--or anything. the doctor gave me prednisone--an immune suppressant (anti-inflammatory. what is happening is your body is attacking itself. prednisone does not damage your reproductive organs.... stress and allergies will aggravate your immune system and even trigger psoriasis. UNCLE GARY

  7. Hi Tommy,

    With you as my example I started my own blog about psoriasis.
    If you like to read it you can find it here:

    Regards Rene

  8. On BBC America there's a show called "You Are What You Eat". I had an itchy rash on my the front of my left leg - don't know for sure if it was psoriasis or not - it may have been a mild case. I went on the diet from this show (there's a website that you can join) and in just two short weeks of basically eating like you two did (no dairy, no meat, glueten-free, juicing, etc.) my rash was gone. I had it for years and tried all kinds of lotions. I know your every-day diet plays a part in how you feel - but the experience of it all has shown me how much of an impact it really does have. It's unbelievable! I too have started looking at vegan books to make the change.
    Congratulations on your engagement and your healthy lifestyle.

  9. hey thanks for posting (this is Molly). I LOVE THAT SHOW! The site has awesome recipes. So happy to hear that you were able to get rid of your skin ailment through diet. It is so empowering isn't it? Congrats on your success and we wish you continued health and well being!

  10. Hi Molly,

    I just came across your blog and it was very helpful. I'm so glad there are people like you and Tommy whom are willing to come out and share your findings and experiences. It was encouraging and Tommy sure is lucky to have you!! I'm gonna work the magic on my hubby and hope he follows the diet, he's been suffering from P for 5 years...

    Though I saw this post kinda late but I still wish to congratulate you and Tommy ..probably married now i guess...Congratulations!

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  12. I had a question, I am on raw foods but I have stubborn lesions near the end of my leg. Any help?

  13. Hi T&M,

    I saw Tommy's pics, but they were for a Katy Wilson "P free for life" (see below:

    Is she taking credit for your improvement? Authorized?

    Curt Neilson
