Saturday, July 11, 2009

The past from my perspective!

Hello all! My name is Molly and I am Tommy's girlfriend. Tommy and I have been together for over six years. Half of this time Tommy has had Psoriasis. Initially, as Tommy detailed, his psoriasis did not put much of a damper on our lives. Sure my boyfriend had some ragin' dandruff, but a little flaking here and there doesn't stand in the way of true love! Then it started to creep from the head, to the nails, to the legs, to the chest, to the arms and then last but not least THE FACE! I was all about him getting on some wonder drug to make this awful mess evaporate from his body so we could get on with our lives. I did my research and learned of a new drug, Raptiva. I learned about it because it was what the girl from America's Next Top Model took (Yeah, I know not the greatest frontier of medical advancement). I said, "Tommy make an appointment with your dermatologist, and get on Raptiva!" Tommy made the appointment, though there was a one month waiting list. We decided we could make it through until then. Literally two days later Tommy comes home from work and informs me that Raptiva had been taken off of the market, after three people had been killed by the drug in California. I was shocked! Also relieved that he had not gotten in to see the dermatologist sooner.

And this is the part where my entire life changed, and I do not say this lightly. I began to research like a madwoman. I learned that Psoriasis is not a disease of the skin but that of the immune system. I also learned that Tommy's immune system was overcompensating due to another issue internally. These drugs used to treat the illness were immune suppressing, to stop the skin from regenerating so quickly. So wait, his immune system in in chaos, resulting in this autoimmune response and we want to suppress his immune system to make it stop. Does that sound crazy to anyone else. The immune system is like the front door to your house. Would you leave it open all the time. I don't mean unlocked, I mean open! Let vermin, debris and even people in whenever? No thanks! It just didn't make sense. Then I began to lean about the role diet plays in health and healing. It made perfect sense, we all believe that your diet can prevent illness but oh no it could never cure an ailment. Of course, I have no proof. Just a belief. We had to try. Medicine will always be there. Though this opportunity, prior to any harmful meds was something we had to seize!

We ate raw for a week, quit smoking, exercised daily and Tommy's mental state began to improve. He was once the happiest, most carefree guy I had ever met. Now he was sad, hopeless and scared. It killed me. Seeing him regain his personality after one week was astonishing. The itching and pain decreased, though there was little physical evidence. Raw became to difficult to maintain so we switched to a vegan plant based diet. NO GLUTEN! Tommy also went on a cleanse, got a natural doctor. Slowly but surely things have been improving, now the results are unavoidable.

Look, I know many who will read this already have psoriasis and are skeptical. Rightfully so. We are not here to exploit you, sell you anything or recommend you do anything. Just simply to document our journey, maybe give some hope, and make ourselves accountable to our treatment. There are thousands of blogs and youtube channels covering celerity news, why not have one about the plight of those with this horrendous ailment? I am a social worker and have always been driven to help others. Seeing the torment the love of my life endured at the hand of this disease was enough to make my heart break for him and all that suffer from psoriasis. I want to help everyone get their lives back, because I know with psoriasis it is on pause. I know on the National Psoriasis Message Boards, many people are skeptical of Tommy thinking he is a snake oil salesman. Not the case. He is a good man looking to show others his amazing progress. He has worked so hard, and does not deserve that scrutiny. Good luck and health to all!


  1. i am very glad to find your blog..I have also psoriasis..I always feel very bad and i want contact to you..

  2. Hi, I would like to know what you mean by getting a natural doctor?? And what is on cleanse?? Please help, I'm desperate.

