Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Today was a good day

We unveiled Tommy's results last night to his sister and others, and seeing the look of shock on their faces made it all worth it! Their fear for Tommy had subsided. It was so great to see their reactions, since I see it gradually change each day. Then his parents visited the blog today and they were in disbelief that the pictures were actually Tommy! It is nice to know we gave them some piece of mind through our efforts. My mother as well, she read the blog yesterday and said she cried. When one suffers so does the whole family. Tommy clearing, a new baby in the family and a bright future ahead is all I need to be happy!!!!! Naysayers can suck it! you know who you are......


  1. HI, this is a great blog. Would you consider posting your story in pictures on social network? People there will appreciate it. Thanks for this post.

  2. What kind of mixtures are you taking?
    Can you give an exact formula?
    This is very interesting.
    BTW: What were the deleted posts?

  3. A post on the diet/program we used will be posted soon, we have just been busy! Deleted comments above were VERY inappropriate, so they were deleted!

  4. Looking forwards to an update and diet/program.

  5. Having had p for 12 years I know your pain. I too find if I take controle of things myself and really look at what I am doing on a day to day basis of my diet i can change things too. Juicing is a great healer. I would recomend to buy one as it may also speed up your healing and others. (sorry about spl)

  6. I dont think they are continuing the blog, no posts in 4 days, lots of people asking for info on the diet and not getting any at all :( Hey theres another diet someone is doing over on the NPF boards if anyone is interested. They put everything they are doing, Ill try that one I guess.

  7. They did say they were busy. It is the summer after all. He is probably out wearing a t-shirt and shorts enjoying his p free skin.

  8. Doesnt look P free yet but definetly on the way to being that. looks like his chest cleared all the way though but his legs were very bad so will take more time for that to go away

  9. Potentially, it could be the sun alone that is clearing the skin. I look forward to hearing about the progress in the winter months.
